
Reflecting on 2021

Reflecting on 2021

As this year comes to a close, we need to celebrate. We can never forget the persistence, resilience and tenacity that got us to where we are today. We can never ever give up on ourselves or our dreams and nor should we ever ignore our inner voices. Make a resolution to be more present each day and to always delight in the daily gifts at hand. With a hopeful eye towards the future, find the balance not to rush through the gift of today. 


Rejection Is Really Just A Detour, Not The End Of The Road!

Rejection Is Really Just A Detour, Not The End Of The Road!
Rejection is an unavoidable, universal experience. The key to it is how I react when it happens. If I can resolve myself to keeping the big picture in mind, I will view rejection as a resourceful accessory to discovering my true path and not let it distract me from my genuine mission.